Aug 6, 2011

Ramadhan Flowery Bento present Kolak Pisang

It's Fasting Month. Happy Ramadhan Mubarak.....

Today is 7th day we do fasting period. Hope my lil' family can do it until Idul Fitri. After working time, i must prepare some food for our breaking fast. Go to the Afternoon big market in order to get fresh vegetable, fresh tofu and tempeh and fresh fish. I cooking in the afernoon and it must not to be a specially food, just a simple food like usual but can make my family feel fresh after fasting a half day.

My husband really like spinach and fresh corn, so i made fried corn fricadel and gravy spinach a.k.a Bobor Bayam for him. So Yummy Tummy!!!!!
and it's friends are rice, fried tempeh, tuna fish, papaya and pineapple.

Beside that, i made some appetizer that commonly made in Indonesia and it's Kolak Pisang ^.^   Are you ever made it? It's so delicious if our eat it after do fasting LOL. This is  the recipe if you want to made it for your familly and i called it....................................................................
Kolak Pisang  ala Oen

-            1 pieces      Screwpine leaf (pandan leaf)
-            350 gram    Sugar (if you want more sweet, you can add it)
-            150 gram    Toddy Palm Fruit (Kolang-Kaling)
-            5 pieces      Sweet jackfruit
-            15 pieces    Sweet bananas
-            3 liters         Coconut milk (milk squeezed from coconut)
-            1/2 teaspoon Salt

1.         Cut half each kolang-kaling if desire, if not, leave it as its natural round, put into the boiling pan as well (without the water) and boiled it until well done then drained it.
2.         Tie knot the screwpine leaf and add it into coconut milk in the other  pan then boiled it with small fire stove.
3.         Peel the banana skin, make small cuts and place in the boilin.
4.         Then add sugar, salt and tender drained kolang-kaling into the boiled coconut milk.
5.    Bring to boil everything inside the pan until become tender, taste the it. And if its sweet enough for you, turn off the stove.

Selamat Mencoba  ^.^


  1. absolutely fantastice...beautiful cliks..
    chanced upon your space while blog hopping..
    love ur space..
    Am your happy follower now..:)
    do stop by mine sometime..
    Tasty Appetite

  2. Hi Oen...thank you for visiting my blog
    so nice flowery bento!

  3. @Jay : thank you so much for visiting my blog. and i follow you blog too. nice to meet you. smoochies ^^

  4. @mbak Yenny : thank you mbak... your blog and your bento are so cute ^^

  5. Beautiful bento! Corn fritter is one of my family favorite foods. Happy Ramadhan Oen :)

  6. @mbak Lia : thank you thank you mbak Lia...^^
